20.09.2023 | ECOsystems EMPOWERing at regional and local scale supporting energy communities.
ECOEMPOWER Project Kick-Off
On September 19th and 20th, the ECOEMPOWER consortium met for the official project kick-off in Trento, Italy. Over 20 representatives of 10 project partners from the European countries Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece and Italy came together for the first time. With the project kick-off they sealed the official start of their ambitious undertaking. The main topic of the first day was to get to know each other, agree on a common understanding of all project aspects, co-create first elements of a project identity and get an insight in every work package. The second day was dedicated to visit energy communities and cooperatives in the region and some renewable energy plants collectively operated and that will be part of the energy communities.
"With this kick-off meeting we paved the ground for the next three years activities and we are now looking forward to a fruitful international cooperation of European regions. With this project we can contribute effectively to Europe’s decarbonization, as well as working for the well being of the local territories and population” says Diego Viesi from FBK, the ECOEMPOWER coordinator.