01.09.2023 | In September 2023 the new European Research & Innovation project ECOsystems EMPOWERing at regional and local scale supporting energy communities - briefly “ECOEMPOWER” – started.
In a consortium of ten partners from six European countries we are working together to support regional authorities in their role of energy community facilitators through the creation of a One Stop Shop (OSS). ECOEMPOWER will create services to support energy communities, both existing and yet to be established. The services will be tested in the pilot sites, where the communities and their stakeholders will be actively involved and engaged. This experience will then be valorized as a methodology and policy recommendations will be created to support regional One Stop Shops and energy communities in all Europe. 100 replicators will be involved already during the first year of project activities.
ECOEMPOWER is a three-year project, funded with more than 1 million EUR in the LIFE program and sub-programme Clean Energy Transition. This sub-programme continues to support the delivery of EU policies in the field of sustainable energy, in particular, the European Green Deal, the Energy Union (2030 energy and climate targets) and the European Union’s 2050 long-term decarbonisation strategy. The LIFE Clean Energy Transition sub-programme aims at facilitating the transition towards an energy-efficient, renewable energy-based, climate-neutral and -resilient economy by funding coordination and support actions across Europe.