18 Rue Gabriel Peri, Villeurbanne 69100, France, Contact: Etienne Jouin (etienne.jouin@centralesvillageoises.fr)
Within the ECOEMPOWER project, ACV will coordinate further development of the One Stop Shop model and will help replicate the model in other French regions and beyond.
18 rue Gabriel Péri, 69100, Villeurbanne, France, Contact: Naomi Levannier (Naomi.levannier@auvergnerhonealpes-ee.fr)
AURA-EE is the regional energy and environment agency of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. The agency aims at promoting, co-ordinating and developing programs and actions in favour of the rational use of energy and the deployment of sustainable energies in the region.
Burgstraße 26, 87435 Kempten, Germany, Contact: Teresa Notz (notz@eza-allgaeu.de)
Within the ECOEMPOWER project, eza! will be responsible as leader for the work packages 4 (definition of business model) and 5 (supportive local policy framework). In the Allgaeu region eza! will work as consultant and supporter for the emerging energy communities.
Via Sommarive, 18 - POVO, 38123 Trento, Italy, Contact: Cinzia Morisco (cmorisco@fbk.eu)
Within the ECOEMPOWER project, FBK will be leading as project management and coordination. It will also be leading the work package on testing the project support mechanisms in pilot sites.
Hlavní mesto Praha, Mariánské námestí 159/4, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, Contact: Tereza McLaughlin Vánová (tereza.vanova@prazskespolecenstvi.cz)
The ultimate goal of PSOE is to establish a shared energy network for Prague, which is one of the Regional Ecosystems of ECOEMPOWER.
Piazza Dante 15, 38122 Trento, Italy, Contact: Sara Verones (sara.verones@provincia.tn.it)
The Agency is managing the development of the local energy system and work with international, national and local partner to apply regulations, supporting the energy efficiency initiatives and promoting the development of RES to realize the provision of the energy-environmental provincial plan.